Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Old Courthouse Theatre

The theatre is an old beautiful building in downtown Concord that is used by thespians to put on wonderful plays. This building has a lot of history behind it. It was built in 1922.

It was a Baptist church before it was bought by the Old courthouse theatre in 1976. Before the church was built in 1922 there was another church standing there. It was eventually torn down.

The parking lot of the old theatre used to be filled with houses. Now and then sinkholes will appear in the parking lot & have to be filled. This theatre is haunted by several ghosts.

The ghost that is infamous among the actors is “The Deacon”. This is a man that wears a dark suit. A man who doesn’t like it when things are interrupted in the normal flow of things. He does not like musicals. When a guest director is doing a show at the old theatre; the mood changes quickly. Things often go missing or end up in odd places of the theatre. Lights go on & off.

At times the spotlights, which are tightly screwed in, will move from one position to another when no-one is around.

People often report seeing a dark figure lurking around in the balcony. They hear footsteps & at times singing. When alone in the theatre, the patrons will sing to the Deacon. It seems to calm the paranormal activity.

Many people volunteer to help out at the theatre. Once a married couple was there cleaning. The husband and wife were on opposite sides of the building. The husband later mentioned to his wife that when he heard her singing earlier it was beautiful. The wife replied with “I didn’t sing anything”. Knowing that they were the only two around, this sent chills up their spine.

The music director, Laura, once came in the theatre & knew that she was alone. She was upstairs in her office working when she heard someone jingling their keys on the stage. She then went to the stage & all the lights were off. No-one was there.

It is a joke among the people who help out with the old theatre. The deacon is always up to no good.
Once, a gentleman that didn’t believe in ghosts & often teased others for believing in them; was alone in the theatre. He was working on the lights at the control desk when he heard something downstairs in the shop. He ignored it the first time. The second time was much louder. He then ran to the shop thinking that someone had broken into the building. When he got there, no-one was around & nothing had been moved. He then called out “Deacon, I am leaving. I’m going to turn off the lights. The place is yours!”

This must be a real haunt for a skeptic to get upset. Donations are often made to the theatre from clothing to cleaning materials.

A donation was made from the family of a woman who had passed away. They donated all of her clothing & very personal things that shouldn’t have been given. They kept most of it in the old fellowship hall. They used it for storage.

Cindy, a volunteer at the theatre, taught a class one evening in the fellowship hall. She had left the place a mess. Chairs were all over the room. Upon returning the next morning, she discovered that the place had been straightened up, with all the chairs folded & stacked against the wall. No-one claims to have done this good deed. It is thought that the woman who passed was looking for her personal belongings & cleaned up the place.

In a study of the theatre done by a local medium, it was discovered that an older woman lurked around dressed in old style clothing with pale, ghostly skin. When people get into squabbles over this & that, the paranormal activity hits an all time high. These spirits are not evil, but they are not good. They are simply co-existing with our local talent.

When additions were put on the building the electricians complained of hearing someone walking around in the theatre. No-one was there & they didn’t know of the ghost stories.

The Old Courthouse Theatre is opening a new play called “Into the Woods”. Opening night is Thursday the 27th of September at 8:00 pm. preceding the opening is the ribbon cutting for the new additions made to the building. This ceremony is to honor J. Carlyle & other primary donators.

The mayor will be cutting the ribbon at 7pm. Please feel free to attend the plays at The Old Courthouse Theatre. You will find drama from the most talented people in our area, along with the drama of the un-dead.

*Information provided by Anne Wilson and Lenore Young of the Old Courthouse Theatre.

Written by- Ashley Shaw


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